Saturday 17 December 2016



Welcome to the INVADING INSECTS - TOY ARTWORK ! (Also known as Robo-Invaders, Winged-Bots, Insecto Robots and many more!)
In this post I will show my own personal scans of the wonderfully created toy artworks of the Invading Insects series featuring both their alternate and robot modes.
To describe each toy artwork I'll use the common international english names given to them.

Insect mode: Fly

Robt mode

Insect mode: Mosquito

Robot mode

Insect mode: Hornet

Robot mode

Insect mode: Moth

Robot mode

Note: There are some certain parts for each toy artworks that don't reveal the full image and details of the character. This is due to certain parts being cropped out or another character is overlapping each other with another character.
I did my very best to create full detailed versions of each toy artwork with all my resources I have.
If in the future I do find more accurate resources for the ones I need to complete, I will be sure to update them!

I hope you enjoyed viewing the INVADING INSECTS - TOY ARTWORK

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